Madrid, SPAIN
Bulgaria, Germany, Spain
Bulgaria, Germany, Spain

EmployU Kick-off Meeting
MADRID, SPAIN / 27-29.04.2023

During the kick-off project meeting were shaped the administrative, communication, financial and reporting rules and procedures for the EmployU management. The international coordination team was introduced to the project implementation structure and planned activities, with corresponding deadlines and responsible partners. Local stakeholders assisted and team building activity took place.
The kick-off meeting helped to be reached the project objective of building close cooperation between youth and sport organisations in the partner countries, to ensure the active participation of all members of the learning community in supporting social and labour integration of marginalised young people.
Training Toolbox development
MADRID, SPAIN / 27-29.04.2023

The EmployU Project concept aimed to adopt different tools based on Education Through Sport (ETS) methodology to improve the key competences of marginalised young learners, who were the final beneficiaries of the project in the 3 partner countries - Bulgaria, Germany and Spain.
The developed in the frame of the project Training Toolbox includes best practices in the area, video tutorials and guidelines for youth education providers and stakeholders, who can apply the ETS approach in their daily work. It is fully part of the lifelong learning process, which could achieve an impact on the development of a knowledge-based society by enabling young citizens to improve their knowledge, skills and attitudes. In particular, the toolbox could help to extend and develop the competences of youth educators from the 3 partner countries and abroad, as it was translated and provided in 4 EU languages.
The added value of this activity was to compare the results not only at local/regional/national level, but at EU level, so that to deliver useful and practical tools to the youth education providers in all European countries with proved results of young learners basic skills and key competences improvement after implementing the ETS methodology developed by the EmployU consortium.
Joint Staff Training
Sozopol, bulgaria / 09-15.07.2023

The EmployU joint staff training (JST) activity took place in Bulgaria in July 2023 during 5 days with 8 hours working programme. Total of 18 participants from the 3 partner countries were involved, responding to the required profile of youth trainers/coaches. The participants worked in groups of mixed nationalities and gender, exchanging best practices and jointly developing as final outputs video tutorials and guidelines (as part of the training toolbox), which could be further used by other youth workers and stakeholders, interested in the ETS methodology.
The daily thematic workshops included street workout, competitions, CrossFit techniques and group coaching, with the objective to achieve young learners' better employability, self-esteem and improved key competences, as communication skills, learning to learn, social and civic competences, cultural awareness, sense of initiative, etc. through capacity-building of the youth trainers. At the end of each day was dedicated time to analyse the acquired knowledge, improved capacities and achievements.
Youth Workshops in Bulgaria, Germany and Spain

The pilot workshops’ purpose was to test the Training Toolbox developed by the partners with marginalised young learners in all partner countries. Between September - December 2023 were piloted the toolbox units during 10 working sessions x 2 hours in each country (Bulgaria, Germany and Spain). More than 90 young learners from the 3 countries were involved with high satisfaction results. The workshops were carried out by youth workers who took part in the joint staff training activity implemented in the frame of the project in July 2023 in Bulgaria.
The activity impacted the involved young people by increasing their skills and confidence, their educational and cultural awareness levels. Their direct engagement is expected to encourage their more active participation in the society and sense of initiative while inspiring others to follow this example.
Youth Forums in Bulgaria, Germany and Spain
BERLIN, GERMANY / 18.05.2024

Regional Youth Forums for public authorities, youth trainers/workers, sport organisations, NGOs, other stakeholders and young people with fewer opportunities took place in Bulgaria, Germany and Spain, as part of the project dissemination strategy. As results were achieved exchange at regional level of the youth workers/trainers/coaches competences; extension and development of their skills to use the education trough sport approach in the daily activities with disadvantaged young people; acquired knowledge on different assessment methods of the learners' key competences and the use of the developed in the frame of the EmployU project tools for improvement of young people's employability to facilitate their social inclusion and transition to the labour market.
EmployU Closing Transnational Meeting
BERLIN, GERMANY / 16-18.05.2024

During the closing project meeting the partners reviewed the use of the dissemination and communication channels and findings from the internal evaluations, carried out in the frame of EmployU. Additionally, were discussed and assessed the outcomes and impact of the project, as well as marked the steps for taking the project forward after its end, including follow-up actions for the engagement of the target groups and mainstreaming of the outputs. Good practices and lessons learned from the 3 partner countries were identified, and further collaboration initiatives analysed.
The submission of the final monitoring report was also discussed, and all project material to be uploaded to the E+ PRP was reviewed. Last team building activity took place.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Check contact information on each partner's social media.

EmployU website © 2023 by EmployU KA210 team is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0